
Shallow water sediments often have highly variable range and depth dependent physical properties which can substantially affect the acoustic wave propagation. To assess the effects of the seafloor on propagation of broadband signals, acoustic experiments were conducted in a shallow water region with pre-existing sediment core data. Geoacoustic properties were inferred from the core data and transformed to compressional and shear wave speed, attenuation, and density profiles. The acoustic data show a strong variability of sound intensity with range and azimuth. This unique 3D geoacoustic data set can be used to model the range and azimuthal dependent effects of the geological features on the acoustic wave propagation.KeywordsShear Wave SpeedAcoustic Wave PropagationBroadband SignalSound Speed ProfileShallow Water SedimentThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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