
The present study relates to different polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) which were used as elicitors to enhance biomass accumulation and ginsenoside production in Panax ginseng. Adventitious root cultures of ginseng were elicited with oleic and linolenic acid at 0, 1, 5, 10 or 50µmol/l concentrations respectively. Elicitors were added to the medium of adventitious roots on the 40th day of culture and roots were harvested on day 47. Cultures supplemented with oleic acid decreased root biomass and ginsenoside accumulation. Cultures supplemented with 1µmol/l linolenic acid enhanced ginsenoside accumulation, without the decrease of adventitious root biomass. Linolenic acid enhanced the biosynthesis of both protopanxatriols (2.95±0.048mg/g DW) and protopanxadiols (5.66±0.043mg/g DW) compared to that of control at (1.41±0.002mg/g DW) and (1.58±0.006mg/g DW) respectively. No changes in polysaccharides and phenolics content have been noticed upon elicitation with PUFAs. This is the first report on linolenic acid as an elicitor for ginsenoside accumulation in ginseng adventitious root cultures.

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