
In order to improve the limits of wall thickness reduction of 30CrMnSiA steel in process of spinning, realize multi-pass continuous spinning process, and furthermore improve the forming efficiency and shape accuracy of thin-walled shell of 30CrMnSiA steel in spinning process, the influence of traditional annealing and austenization plus spheroidal annealing on the structure performance of 30CrMnSiA steel and the spun performance of 30CrMnSiA steel are studied. Process parameters of traditional anneal and austenize plus spheroidal annealing are optimized to obtain higher plastic performance and lower ratio of yield strength to tensile strength. Spinning experiments of the workpieces that have been heattreated by the optimized traditional annealing process and austenization plus spheroidal process are completed. The result shows that the optimized austenization plus spheroidal annealing is beneficial to achieve a large thinning rate for flow spinning process, and can meet the demands of low cost and high efficiency of batch production.

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