
The boreal mixedwood forest type of the Canadian interior boreal is largely comprised of two dominant tree species: white spruce and trembling aspen (Picea glauca and Populus tremuloides). This forest type is expansive, providing important ecosystem services and economic production, yet such mixtures are difficult to establish after harvests. While aspen resprouts and grows vigorously following disturbance, spruce growth is relatively slow and is often limited by intense competition from associated vegetation, including aspen. To improve management, it is important to understand how environmental and vegetative conditions vary in relation to the competitive–facilitative relationship of spruce–aspen mixtures. In this study white spruce was planted across large canopy openings to determine whether survival and height growth is influenced by position within gap and by differing levels of competing vegetation control of aspen and understory plants. In addition, we addressed the issue of herbivory, which can pose a significant threat to planted spruce seedlings. Within each of four sites, linear gaps were created and five gap positions were recognized spanning the southern and northern forest understories, and southern, center and northern positions within each opening. Three different levels of vegetation management were implemented: a brush saw treatment in which all vegetation was cut to ground level, a mixing treatment in which all vegetation and rootstock was ground up, and a control with no vegetation management. The three herbivory treatments excluded large ungulates, small herbivores (rabbits, hares) or had no herbivore exclusion. Growth and survival of white spruce seedlings were measured for four years (1997–2000). Understory survival was significantly lower than within the gap, with the sheltered southern edge position providing the best initial environmental conditions and or ameliorative cover for spruce establishment. However, after four years the shelter effect starts to be inhibitive relative to center and northern gap positions, suggesting the removal of the canopy is necessary before spruce productivity declines. The optimal vegetation management treatment also changed over the study period. The most intensive treatment (mixing) initially showed a negative influence on survival and growth, but by year four, survival converged to approximately 75% for all treatments, and the mixing treatment produced the best height growth. The growth advantage became most evident in the center gap positions, which initially lagged the brushsaw and control treatments. Lastly, some growth losses from herbivory must be expected in boreal mixedwoods, although not enough to merit control. Results have implications for the timing and intensity of silvicultural treatments for harvesting and planting.

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