
INTRODUCTION: Women’s sexual dysfunction, in touch with breast cancer, presents multifactorial etiology, based on psychological reactions to the diagnosis and oncologic treatment. This study aims to analyze the sexuality of women with breast cancer, in different stages of treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Analytical, case-control study, of quantitative approach. The case group was composed of 50 women with previous diagnosis of breast cancer, and the control group of 73 women randomly selected, without background of breast cancer. The FSBI (Female Sexual Behavior Index) questionnaire was applied, it has six different domains: Desire, Excitation, Lubrication, Orgasm, Satisfaction and Discomfort/Pain. The statistics analysis was made with SPSS, software, in its 20. 0. 0 version, with significance if p 0, 05. Research approved by the local Ethics Committee. RESULTS: The control group average age was 47, 56 years (± 9, 98), and the case group was 39, 15 years, (p?0, 01). Analyzing FSBI questionnaire, 42, 0% of case group patients; and 38, 0% of control group, presented decreased sexual desire (p=0, 852). According to degree of sexual activity satisfaction generally, 21, 2% of the case group patients; and 24, 6% of the control group, declare themselves dissatisfied (p=0, 498). According to the frequency of pain or discomfort in the beginning of vaginal penetration, 36, 7% of case group; and, 49, 3% of control group, reported pain most of the times or almost always/ always (p=0, 042). DISCUSSION: The sickness caused by breast cancer, the physical modifications due to treatments, the fear of tumor relapse and the fear to death are aspects related to the sexual commitment presented by women with breast cancer. Other studies, shows high rate of sexual commitment after the oncologic treatment, especially due to the loss of libido, sexual dissatisfaction and loss of interest in the partner. In our study, there was no significant difference in both groups case and control, on the evaluation of the domains Desire, Excitation, Lubrication, Orgasm and Satisfaction. As to the domain Pain, women submitted to breast cancer treatment presented levels significantly higher of pain in the beginning of penetration when compared to the control group women. It is possible that the homogenization of the case group, according to the oncologic treatment taked; and the standardization of the treatment time and longitudinal accompaniment of patients would add new information to the discussion of sexuality after breast cancer. CONCLUSION: Despite the comparison between groups case and control do not presents statistically significant differences, it has showed varied degrees of sexual function commitment of patients submitted to breast cancer treatment.

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