
A study was conducted to investigate the influence of different approaches to arranging the pace and temporal organisation of repetitive assembly and disassembly tasks on both average performance and its variability and to compare assembly and disassembly times derived with psychophysical methods to a more traditional methods-time measurement (MTM) approach. The conditions studied were a traditional assembly line arrangement, where assemblies were started at a pace of 110 MTM (repeated on two occasions), a batch condition, where subjects were required to complete 36 assemblies within the total amount of time allowed at 110, MTM and a psychophysical condition, where subjects were allowed to choose their pace (repeated on two occasions). Overall, the results suggest that the mean time spent working in each cycle (the ‘on-time’) remained fairly constant across conditions, while the idle ‘off-time’ in between on-times was shorter and of less varied duration in the more autonomous batch and psychophysical conditions. During the second psychophysical (self-paced) condition, subjects completed a significantly higher number of assemblies than during the 110 MTM line condition. The higher pace was achieved through reduction in mean off-times and the potential implications for musculoskeletal risk are discussed. Statement of Relevance: Higher levels of autonomy over work pace, which intuitively would be beneficial from an ergonomics standpoint, actually led to subjects selecting to organise work such that off-times (idle times) were reduced. In contrast, active ‘on’ times were not affected much by autonomy. These results point to a reason that piecework would be associated with increased risk for musculoskeletal disorders.

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