
Poor academic performance of student leaders in C could be attributed to bad personal character, their leadership role expectations and the duties and responsibilities that these student leaders have. This study used a mixed method with a concurrent triangulation design. The study targeted principals, all the deputy principals in charge of discipline, and student leaders in public secondary schools in Kisii South Sub-County, Kisii County. A sample size of 179 respondents was determined by the Magnani formula. The researcher collected data by using interview schedules on principals and deputy principals, questionnaires on students and document reviews provided by teachers in charge of academics as data collection tools. Data was analyzed by use of both descriptive and inferential statistics applying SPSS version 22, while qualitative data was analyzed in themes and presented in narrative form. The analysis gave rise to two key findings: school-integrated student leadership was involved in the operations of school management, and the reception of the students was positive

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