
The study focused in examining the impact of school feeding program on enrolment in public preschools in Langata sub-county. School feeding programs usually help children to remain in school through enrolment enhancement and reducing absenteeism; and once the children are in school, the programs contribute to their learning, through avoiding hunger and enhancing their cognitive development. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the influence of take home rations on the enrolment rate in public preschool in Langata sub-county, to determine the influence of onsite meals on the enrolment rate in public preschools in Langata sub-county and; to examine the influence of daily recommended allowances on the enrolment rate in public preschools in Langata sub-county. The study used descriptive research design to acquire information. The population for the research was the head teachers and two public preschool teachers within public schools in Langata Sub-County. The total sample respondents were 42 drawn from the 14 public primary schools within Langata sub-county. Random sampling was utilized in selecting the ECDE teachers in schools with more than two teachers. The acquired data was analyzed using descriptive statistics which included the mean, frequencies and percentage. This was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23.0). The study concluded that the implementation of the school feeding program has been one of the main strategic tools that have been utilized across institutions to foster enrolment rates. The study findings showed that different aspects of the programs such as the take home rations have fostered the retention rates among students. Similarly, the adoption of recommended daily allowances has been associated with better performance among pupils as it enhances the mental growth and acuity among children. The study further concluded that onsite meals are a key factor motivating attendance and retention rates within schools as children are sure of availability of meals in school. Further availability of onsite meals has been associated positively with enrolment rates within schools. There is a general increase in the enrolment rates within the public primary school sector. The study recommended that the government should enhance their resource allocation towards the support of the school feeding programme across the country.

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