
Field experiments on revealing of effectiveness of traditional and resource-saving technologies at cereal crop cultivation were conducted in 2011-2017 on sod-podzolic middle-clay soils of Kirov region. As ways of basic soil cultivation, the following variants were used: moldboard plowing and combined soil cultivation with aggregate KPA-2.2, which doing simultaneously surface tilling and disking for better stubble processing. On average, two trials experience productivity on traditional technology were as follows: vetch-oat mixture – 6.89 t/ha of dry matter; winter rye – 2.28 t/ha; spring wheat – 2.60 t/ha; pea-oat mix – 8.10 t/ha; barley – 3.40 t/ha; oat – 2.91 t/ha. At use of resource-saving combined soil tilling productivity of winter rye, spring wheat, and oat was in average higher than at plowing and consisted 2.47; 2.67; and 3.31 t/ha correspondingly. Yield of vetch- and pea-oat mix, barley was lower – 6.62, 7.81, and 2.94 t/ha correspondingly. Productivity of crop rotation with plowing was 3.41 thousand fodder units; coefficient of energy efficiency was 2.75; self-cost of 1 ton of basic production was 2771 rubles; level of total profitability – 77.3 %. When plowing was substituted with resource-saving method of basic soil tilling – surface combined cultivation – average productivity of crop rotation was 3.39 thousand fodder units at coefficient of energy efficiency of 2.81, self-cost of basic production – 2673 rubles per ton, and total profitability 80.7%.

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