
It has recently been recommended that heating rates do not exceed 10 K.s(-1) and that the maximum temperature of readout should not exceed 265 degrees C for LiF:Mg,Cu,P. In some cases, a decrease of sensitivity in this material in the first of several re-use cycles had been reported. Influence of heating rates up to 30 K.s(-1), duration time up to 40s and maximum readout temperatures up to 270 degrees C on TL response, re-usability and residual signal was investigated. It was found that the maximum readout temperatures above 240 degrees C may lead to the thermoluminscent response decrease in the first several re-use cycles. The readout parameters can be optimised to minimise the residual signal (less than 0.4%) and to retain a constant sensitivity at the same time at high heating rates up to 30 K.s(-1) in a short time (less than 1 min per TL chip) without the necessity of heating above 240 degrees C. A concept of 'efficient residual signal' was put forward to quantify more accurately the real residual signal which affects the precision of the next measurement.

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