
The paper presents the results of an experiment on the use of enzyme-probiotic supplement “Immunobacterin-D” for calves in the first two months of life. Probiotics are used in animal husbandry for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, increase immunity, correction of the microflora after antibiotic therapy, prevention of stress, increase growth. The study was conducted in a private farm in the Lyubar district of Zhytomyr region, which kept cattle of different ages. In a randomized controlled trial, two experimental groups of six animals were formed in each on the principle of analogues. One group was a control. Calves of the experimental group from the second day after birth were fed together with colostrum “Immunobacterin-D” at the rate of 3 grams per animal. For the first five days, the enzyme-probiotic supplement was given to the calves once a day during the morning feeding, and in subsequent studies, once every two days for a month. The results of the studies show that no case of diarrhea was registered among calves receiving the enzyme-probiotic supplement “Immunobacterin-D”. Among the animals of the control group, 66.7 % had digestive disorders – dyspepsia. Subsequently, such animals had a lower growth rate. Enzyme-probiotic supplement “Immunobacterin-D” also contains Bacillus Subthilis, Bacillus Licheniformis and enzymes and protease and lipase – it provides a polyvector effect in the digestive tract in general and scarring in particular. It was found that on the fourteenth day of feeding probiotic-containing drug “Immunobacterin-D” to calves of the experimental group, the number of bacteria probably increased by 83.5 %; ciliates – by 65.0 %; endodynomorphs – by 24.3 %. After one month of the experiment, the number of bacteria in the experimental group probably increased by 94.3 %; ciliates – by 40.5 %; endodynomorphs – by 26.7 %, compared with the control (P < 0.001). The obtained data of registration of the first chewing gum in calves prove that the components of the enzyme-probiotic supplement “Immunobacterin-D” accelerate the population of microflora and the development of scar digestion in calves 2.5 times compared to calves in the control group. Prospects for further research are to study the effect of enzyme-probiotic supplement “Immunobacterin-D” on the indicators of scar fermentation of calves.


  • The paper presents the results of an experiment on the use of enzyme-probiotic supplement “Immunobacterin-D” for calves in the first two months of life

  • The results of the studies show that no case of diarrhea was registered among calves receiving the enzyme-probiotic supplement “Immunobacterin-D”

  • It was found that on the fourteenth day of feeding probiotic-containing drug “Immunobacterin-D” to calves of the experimental group, the number of bacteria probably increased by 83.5 %; ciliates – by 65.0 %; endodynomorphs – by 24.3 %

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The obtained data of registration of the first chewing gum in calves prove that the components of the enzyme-probiotic supplement “Immunobacterin-D” accelerate the population of microflora and the development of scar digestion in calves 2.5 times compared to calves in the control group. В роботі наведені результати експерименту щодо застосування ферментно-пробіотичної добавки “Імунобактерин-D” для телят перших двох місяців життя. Отримані дані реєстрації першої жуйки у телят доводять, що складові ферментно-пробіотичної добавки “Імунобактерин-D” прискорюють заселення мікрофлорою та розвиток рубцевого травлення у телят в 2,5 разу порівняно із телятами контрольної групи. Перспективи подальших досліджень полягають у дослідженні впливу ферментно-пробіотичної добавки “Імунобактерин-D” на показники рубцевої ферментації телят. Сучасний спосіб вирощування великої рогатої худоби обмежує контакт тварин з природними джерелами мікрофлори – водою та ґрунтом. 1. Провести аналіз сприйнятливості телят до розладів шлунково-кишкового тракту за використання ФПД “Імунобактерин-D”. Проаналізувати вплив ферментно-пробіотичної добавки на розвиток передшлунків у телят, ознакою якого є початок жуйки

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