
The development of smart Internet-of-Things (IoT) solutions requires sensor nodes to be placed at different locations of monitored structures. Wireless solutions are quite attractive because of their simplicity although requiring for local energy supply. In this context, this study investigates the influences of the predefined angle of attack on the piezoelectric energy harvesting based on transverse galloping of different bluff bodies. The investigation is based on a lumped electro-aero-mechanical model with linear electrical and mechanical properties and nonlinear aerodynamic forces evaluated using the quasi-steady theory. The performances of energy harvesters with six different bluff bodies are analyzed at various predefined angles of attack: four rectangular cross-sections with different width-to-height ratios (i.e., b/d), one trapezium section, and one equal angle section. The main purpose is to understand the sensitivity of various bluff body-based energy harvesters on the predefined angle of attack, and further suggest a bluff body-based energy harvester that is robust to the predefined angle of attack. The results show that the response is quite dependent on the characteristic of the electro-mechanical system and the bluff body cross-section and angle of attack. In all cases, the load resistance should be tuned to maximize energy production. The largest vibration amplitude (i.e., largest power output) is predicted for the rectangular bluff body with b/d = 1.0 at a 0° angle of attack. However, its performances are quite dependent on the angle of attack, resulting in a zero-power output for an angle of attack exceeding 4°. A rectangular bluff body with b/d within 1.62 to 2.5 exhibits a reduced energy production compared with b/d = 1.0 at a 0° angle of attack but better robustness varying the angle of attack. Finally, the trapezium and the angle bluff bodies are not suitable for energy harvesting due to their very high onset velocities within the considered range of angles of attack.

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