
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of konjac glucomannan (KGM) and microparticulated whey protein-based fat replacers (WPFR) on low-fat Mozzarella cheese. The textural properties, meltability, color, microstructure and pizza bake performance of 0, 7, 14, 21, 28-day-old low-fat cheeses using KGM (LFKGM) or whey protein (LFFR1 and LFFR2) were studied, and fat-reduced cheeses (LFC; milk containing 1.40 g fat/100 g milk) and full-fat cheeses (FFC; milk containing 2.24 g fat/100 g milk) were manufactured as control. The color of Mozzarella cheeses was closely linked to their composition and storage time, especially moisture and fat content and the lightness values of FFC, LFC, LFKGM, LFFR1 and LFFR2 were 90.28, 84.91, 88.48, 91.77 and 91.57, respectively. Textural properties, meltability and baking performance of Mozzarella cheeses generally improved with the supplement of KGM or WPFR and with age. The addition of whey protein or KGM showed much denser microstructure and reduced pockets of serum channels distributed in the protein network throughout refrigerated storage. Positive changes of low-fat Mozzarella cheeses as affected by KGM or whey protein were observed in our study, suggesting WPFR could improve the functionality of cheeses and could be used to reduce fat in dairy products.

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