Abstract Purpose To examine the effects of premorbid migraine history on baseline Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening (VOMS) and King-Devick (KD) test performance in youth athletes. Methods This study implemented a cross-sectional design and was conducted at a series of youth sport venues in a designated research area. Youth athletes between the ages of 8 and 14 years with a diagnosed history of migraine headaches (n=28) and match controls (n=28) were administered a baseline VOMS and KD test. Between-group comparisons for provocation scores on the VOMS (smooth pursuit, saccades, convergence, vestibular-ocular reflex [VOR], and visual motion sensitivity [VMS]), Near-point of convergence [NPC] average distance (cm), and KD time (seconds) were conducted. Results Individuals diagnosed with migraine headaches reported greater VOMS scores compared to match controls on smooth pursuit (0.43±1.1 vs. 0.00±0.0; p=.02), convergence (0.46±1.2 vs. 0.04±0.1; p=.04), horizontal VOR (0.89±1.4 vs. 0.07±0.2; p<.001), vertical VOR (0.61±1.1 vs. 0.11±0.3; p=.04), and VMS (0.86±1.5 vs. 0.04±0.1; p=.01). Differences were also observed on the KD test with worse times in the diagnosed migraine group (54.33±11.8s) compared to match controls (47.17±8.9s; p=.02). No differences were reported on NPC distance between the migraine (2.22±3.1cm) and control group (0.83±1.2; p=.06). Conclusion Youth athletes with diagnosed migraine history reported higher baseline VOMS scores and worse KD time compared to match controls, further illustrating the influence of premorbid migraine headaches as a risk factor for elevated baseline concussion assessment. Special consideration may be warranted for post-concussion assessment in athletes with diagnosed migraine headaches.
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