
The administration of the "Phosphogliv®" hepatoprotector in the comprehensive treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis will allow determining its effect on the lipid composition of membranes of mononuclear cells under conditions of etiotropic chemotherapy according to 1 standard regimen. The determination of the ratios of the most important classes of phospholipids in membranes of peripheral blood mononuclear cells will give an idea of the structural-functional state violation of the most important representatives of the cellular immunity in patients with tuberculosis prior to treatment, against the backdrop of the intensive phase of the main course of chemotherapy as well as the change in these indices when the "Phosphogliv®" drug is administered in the comprehensive treatment therapy. The study included 356 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis of young and middle age, out of which 308 patients received etiotropic chemotherapy without the administration of phosphogliv, and 48 patients receiving comprehensive treatment used a combined scheme of oral-parenteral administration of phosphogliv. The administration of the "Phosphogliv®" hepatoprotector in the comprehensive treatment of tuberculosis patients made it possible to reduce the severity of the toxic effect of anti-tuberculosis drugs on peripheral blood mononuclear cells, to reduce the degree of disorganization of their membranes and to bring the phospholipid spectrum closer to the corresponding values of the control group. Direct positive clinical and radiological dynamics in 81.5% of patients in the second group and 87.5% in the third group was noted during the analysis of laboratory data and the X-ray pattern. After 2 months of the intensive phase of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy, abacilation was achieved in 61% of patients having no phosphogliv administered, and in 81% of patients receiving complex therapy with the administration of "Phosphogliv®" hapatoprotector. More apparent positive X-ray dynamics (infiltration zone and dissemination foci decrease) was observed in patients receiving Phosphogliv®.

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