
Families formed by parents with different ethnic backgrounds are a growing group around the world. This article examines the influence of parenthood on the awareness of ethnic identity among parents of mixed-background children in Estonia. Information was collected through semi-structured interviews conducted separately among mothers and fathers. The results show that parenthood is a life event that influences the awareness of ethnic identity in this group of parents. Reflecting on the child’s future activates parents’ ethnic identity processing. Thinking about ethnic identity includes psychological, but also more practical and tangible arguments related to their and their children’s life. The parents’ increased interest in issues of ethnic identity was often related to their children’s prospects. The findings suggest that parents’ ethnic identity is influenced by one or more of the following mechanisms related to children’s prospects: raised awareness, enhanced communication, and the development of a multi-ethnic identity. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies on parenthood and ethnic identity among parents of children with mixed ancestry in Estonia.

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