Thirty Holstein breed cows from the breeding stock of high yielding dairy cattle were selected for testing. The cows were selected during their high gravidity and fell into two groups. The i.m beta-carotene, Carofertin, of 20 ml (200 mg of beta-carotene) was applied to the experimental group (n=15) two weeks before the expected parturition date. Another injection of the beta-carotene preparation was applied to the experimental group two weeks after parturition. Simultaneously, a physiological solution of 20 ml was injected i.m to the experimental group (n=15). The blood samples for testing of the beta-carotene and vitamin A concentration were taken during high gravidity and in the early puerperium two days after the beta-carotene application and on the day of parturition. Two-of parenteral application of beta-carotene before parturition does not have an impact significantly on the frequency of the occurrence of retained placenta in experimental cows comparing to the cows of the control group (x=33.3 % and x=20.0 %) and length of the service period (x =97.20?31.64 and x=98.8?35.8 days). Based on the results obtained during this research, it can be concluded that the parenteral application of the beta-carotene (Carofertin) as 200 mg per cow, which is meant for protection of the reproductive disorders of cows, does not affect the level of carotinemia when its concentration in the blood serum is within the physiological limits. Therefore, no significant discrepancy in values of the reproduction figures between the cows of the experimental and control group was found. All in all, its usage is advisable only during scarce feeding.
Number of services per conceptionKao {to se iz tabele 2 moe videti, i u oglednoj i u kontrolnoj grupi krava bilo je potrebno jedno osemenjavanje kod 9 krava (60,0 %) i dva osemenjavanja kod 6 krava (40,0 %)
Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih u radu moe se zaklju~iti da parenteralno davanje preparata beta-karotina (Carofertin), koji je namenjen za profilaksu reproduktivnih poreme}aja goveda, u dozi od 200 mg poivotinji nema uticaja na nivo karotinemije u uslovima kada je njegova koncentracija u krvnom serumu u fiziolo{kim granicama
plodnost krava plied to the experimental group
Kao {to se iz tabele 2 moe videti, i u oglednoj i u kontrolnoj grupi krava bilo je potrebno jedno osemenjavanje kod 9 krava (60,0 %) i dva osemenjavanja kod 6 krava (40,0 %). Rezultati ispitivanja vremena koje protekne od poro|aja do koncepcije kod krava ogledne i kontrolne grupe prikazani su u tabeli 3. Iz rezultata prikazanih u tabeli 3 se vidi da je prose~no vreme od poro|aja do koncepcije krava ogledne i kontrolne grupe priblino isto, × = 97,20 ± 31,64 dana, odnosno × = 98,80 ± 35,86 dana. Me|utim, da postoje velika variranja vremenskog perioda do koncepcije, kako u oglednoj (minimum 54 dana, maksimum 151 dan), tako i u kontrolnoj (minimum 47 dana, maksimum 184 dana) grupi. Na osnovu ispitivanja duine vremenskog perioda od poro|aja do koncepcije nisu utvr|ene statisti~ki zna~ajne razlike (t=0,130; p>0.05). Vreme od poro|aja do koncepcije (dani) kod krava ogledne i kontrolne grupe Table 3. Time from parturition to conception in cows from experimental and control groups
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