An experiment was conducted on “Influence of N, P, K, Rhizobium and Vermicompost on Soil Health Parameters and Yield of Green Gram (Vigna radiata L.) var. Samrat”. during zaid season 2023-2024 at the central research farm, department research farm of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, The design applied was 3x3 RBD having three levels each of vermicompost and N.P.K i.e., 0, 50, and 100% respectively and three levels of rhizobium treated seed @ 0, 50, 100%. The result obtained in treatment T9 (N25P50K25 kg ha-1 + vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 and rhizobium @ 200g 10 kg-1) has showed a slight change in soil pH i.e., 6.79 and EC i.e., 0.208 dS m-1. The post-harvest soil samples have showed significant increase in pore space, water holding capacity and organic carbon i.e., about 49.20 %, 47.59 % and 0.49 % respectively. Whereas available N, P and K found to be 334.12 kg ha-1, 34.36 kg ha-1, and 204.28 kg ha-1 respectively. The increase in NPK (kg ha-1) was found to be significant among all treatments in green gram cultivation and soil quality improvement. The best results among all treatment combination with respect to plant height (65.76 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (44.34), number of branches plant-1 (14.58), number of grain pod-1 (14.28), number of pod plant-1 (42.11) and seed yield q ha-1 (16.67) were found in treatment combination T9 (N25P50K25 kg ha-1 + vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 and Rhizobium @ 200g 10 kg-1. T9 gave the highest gross return with ₹ 1,49,030 and the benefit of ₹ 29,849.13 with highest cost benefit ratio i.e., 1:1.38. vermicompost along with other combinations has showed improvement in soil health as well as in crop development and yield. Study has also revealed that the application of N, P, and K with vermicompost was an excellent source for fertilization than sole fertilizers.
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