
In connection with the exacerbation of environmental problems crises all over the world, the impact of small doses of cadmium chloride on the acid-dependent function of the kidneys has been studied.Objective. To evaluate the state of acid-producing kidney function in white rats during chronic use of small doses of cadmium chloride under conditions of water loading.Material and methods. The subjects of the study were females of white rats. The first group consisted of 10 control rats, and the second consisted of 9 animals, which had undergone a chronic inoculation with non-toxic doses of cadmium chloride.Results. According to biochemical studies, on the 7th day of the experiment, changes in the acid-producing function of kidneys were not detected, nor did it succeed in fixing the significant differences between the 14th day of the experiment. At the end of the third week, the high variability of indicators did not allow to confirm the development of injuries. At the end of the experiment, an increase of acidification in urine was detected.Conclusions. It has been proved that prolonged use of non-toxic doses of cadmium chloride by animals has a negative effect on acid excretory function of kidneys. Chronic inoculation with cadmium chloride in rats causes increase of urinary acidification due to increased acid filtration fraction.


  • У зв’язку з загостренням проблеми екологічних криз у всьому світі вивчалося питання впливу малих доз хлористого кадмію на кислоторегулювальну функцію нирок

  • The first group consisted of 10 control rats, and the second consisted of 9 animals, which had undergone a chronic inoculation with non-toxic doses of cadmium chloride

  • On the 7th day of the experiment, changes in the acid-producing function of kidneys were not detected, nor did it succeed in fixing the significant differences between the 14th day of the experiment

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У зв’язку з загостренням проблеми екологічних криз у всьому світі вивчалося питання впливу малих доз хлористого кадмію на кислоторегулювальну функцію нирок. Мета роботи — оцінити стан кислоторегулювальної функції нирок у білих щурів при хронічному вживанні малих доз хлористого кадмію за умов водного навантаження. За даними біохімічних досліджень на сьому добу спостережень змін кислоторегулювальної функції нирок не виявлено, також не вдалося зафіксувати достовірних розбіжностей показників на чотирнадцяту добу проведення експерименту.

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