
In India agriculture was traditionally organic till the 1950. The green revolution was ushered in country during sixty and transformed the stage of food deficiency to self-sufficiency. Fertilizers no doubt increased the quantity of yield and reduced diseases but continuous use of chemical fertilizers causes several side effects on soil. Soil becomes hard and impervious to water. Maintenance of soil fertility is now prerequisite. Organic farming is the solution. There are several organic components which are the good source of organic manure. Weed biomass available abundantly. Weeds are considered as unwanted plants and are competitors to the crop plants. There are several methods to control the weed. The best way to control weed is to make use of it. Ipomoea muricata (L). Jacq. is large herbaceous twiner commonly called as Bhowari in Marathi. It is common weed grow luxuriously on waste land. Present investigation deals with utilization of Ipomoea muricata weed as a source of organic manure and its influence on the aerial biomass of maize. various types of Ipomoea muricata weed manures like Compost, Dry Leaf manure, Green Leaf manure, Mixed manure (equal amount of Ipomoea muricata +Euphorbia prunifolia+Trianthema portulacastrum) are prepared and compared with NPK and Control treatment to maize crop field. Crop was harvested after 87 days of sowing. Samples from each treated plots collected and analysed as total aerial biomass, Dry weight, Reducing Sugar, Nitrogen, Crude protein and nitrogen efficiency ratio. All the nutrient contents show high amounts in weed manure amended samples of Maize as compared to NPK and control treatment.

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