
The combined effects of corral design and corral time on the incidence of D F D (dark, f i rm, dry meat) in young bulls and calves ( C . W . 100-110 kg) has been studied in two projects compris ing about 1800 young bulls and 600 calves. Three different types of corral design were tested individual pens, large free-range pens (6-10 animals per pen), and tethering. F o r each corral type, various holding periods were studied. The use of a so-called delivery-pen at the producer ' s was also evaluated. The delivery-pen is used for the holding of animals destined for slaughter w h i c h are gathered the day before del ivery in order to assist the transporter and to make loading a one-man job. In the calf project a l o w ceiling in the corral to prevent mount ing was tested. The ultimate p H ( p H u ) was measured in several muscles. Muscles w i t h 5.80 = p H u 6.20 as D F D . The main result can be summarized: In Sweden D F D is the most c o m m o n meat quality deficiency in beef and veal. The shelf life and the frying characteristics w i l l be reduced. The use of individual pens vis-a-vis large freerange pens resulted in a considerably reduced incidence of D F D meat. L o n g holding periods (i.e. overnight) versus short periods in individual pens caused a minor increase in D F D incidence. A corresponding comparison for large pens resulted i n a very substantial increase. W h e n young bulls that had been tethered at the producer ' s were kept tethered overnight in the corral p r io r to slaughter, hardly any D F D meat was found. The use of a delivery-pen caused a dramatic increase in D F D incidence. N o more than 4-5 calves should be housed in a pen, especially if they have to be fenced overnight. The ultimate p H was clearly reduced by lowering the ceiling in the calf-corral to prevent mount ing . The results have been used in the Swedish slaughter industry since 1985. The D F D incidence has been reduced to a m i n i m u m . Based on our results and results f rom F i n n i s h studies on reindeer it is possible to give some theoretical and concluding remarks concerning slaughter handling of reindeer. It w o u l d be recommendable to: shorten the slaughter handling procedure as much as possible. Especially the handling moments of individual animals. move the abattoir to the reindeer instead of mov ing the animals to the slaughter house. slaughter the reindeer during the autumn season. The D F D incidence increases dramatically dur ing the winter season when the animals often w i l l be in a negative energy balance. introduce electrical st imulation of the carcasses to avoid the prob lem of co ld shortening. F i n a l l y , to present detailed recommendations h o w to handle reindeer at slaughter ensuring (i) opt imal meat quality and (ii) proper animal welfare it is necessary to study the various moments i n the slaughter chain and during different slaughter seasons. 16 Rangif er, Special Issue No . 5, 1990


  • Thecombined effects of corral design and corral time on the incidence of D F D in young bulls and calves

  • W . 100-110 kg) has been studied intwo projects comprising about 1800 young bulls and 600 calves

  • The shelf life and the frying characteristics w i l l be reduced. - The use of individual pens vis-a-vis large freerange pens resulted in a considerably reduced incidence of D F D meat. - L o n g holding periods versus short periods in individual pens caused a minor increase in D F D incidence

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Abstract: Thecombined effects of corral design and corral time on the incidence of D F D (dark, firm, dry meat) in young bulls and calves 100-110 kg) has been studied intwo projects comprising about 1800 young bulls and 600 calves. Three different types of corral design were tested - individual pens, large free-range pens (6-10 animals per pen), and tethering. F o r each corral type, various holding periods were studied.

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