
We studied how the selection of the growth medium influences the antioxidant properties and synthesis of bioactive compounds (β-carotene, C-phycocyanin, allophycocyanin, and phycoerythrin) in six selected species of cyanobacteria of Arthrospira genus. For this purpose, cyanobacteria cultures were cultivated on a typical Zarrouk medium and on a cheaper substitute – RM6 medium. Significant differences were observed in the efficiency of synthesis of the studied compounds depending on the strain of cyanobacteria. The quantitative and qualitative composition of Zarrouk medium was more beneficial for β-carotene synthesis in the cells of all strains of cyanobacteria studied. This medium also allowed for the antioxidant potential of the studied strains to be increased. On the other hand, the RM6 medium, deprived of some mineral ingredients, enabled more efficient synthesis of phycobiliproteins in all studied strains except A. platensis SAG 85.79.  

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