Transport is a major water consumer and source of environmental pollution, including water resources. In order to preserve and improve water quality in water bodies at industrial and transport enterprises, including railway enterprises, water protection measures entailing permanent signifi cant funding are required. The study is aimed to develop a methodology for determining dependence of water quality of the water body on the real financing of water protection measures; theoretical justifi cation of the choice of water quality of the water body from the quality of wastewater (WW) of water users, discharging them into the water body and amount of financing of water protection measures. The solution of the task of determining the best water quality in a water body under limited fi nancing of water protection measures and rational distribution of fi nancial resources between water users, including transport infrastructure objects, is proposed. Financing of water protection measures in Russia is less than abroad and has been decreasing over the last three decades. The limits for pollutant concentrations in pollutant discharges into water bodies and water disposal systems in Russia are often set very strict, sometimes more stringent than those for drinking water, which leads to unjustifi ed spending of investment costs. It is pointed out that at present in Russia market relations in the field of nature and, in particular, water use have not been formed. The basic diffi culties at realization of these relations in our country are designated. When using the proposed methodology, the rational quality of water resources of water users by limiting pollutants and the rational distribution of funds for water protection measures among water users within the limited amount of financing are determined. The extent to which water quality in a water body changes is also determined. The possibility of practical application of the proposed methodology is considered.
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