
In this paper, we studied the soils of recreational areas of Volgograd within three research areas. The survey found that in research area I the soils spatial distribution is mainly represented by the following soil group according to WRB: Urbic Technosols, Urbic Technosols (Mollic) and Gleyic Terric Phaeozem (Mollic, Prototechnic). Buried soils are represented by Gleic Cambisols (Protocalcic). In research area II, among natural soils, the largest areas are occupied by Calcaric Fluvisols (Loamic, Technic, Protovertic), Calcaric Fluvisols (Arenic, Salic), and Gleyic Calcisols (Sodic, Protocalcic, Technic, Salic). The anthropogenic-transformed soils include Urbic Technosols, and Ekranic Technosols are under buildings and road surfaces. In research area III, the natural soils spatial distribution is homogeneous and mainly represented by Gleyic Cambic Calcisols (Protocalcic), Gleyic Cambisols (Protocalcic, Prototechnic), and Calcaric Colluvic Regosols (Arenic, Prototechnic) in the bottoms of small flat-bottom valleys. In irrigation sites occur Urbic Technosols, and on hiking trails – Gleyic Cambisols (Prototechnic). Despite the presence of reclaimed horizons with a high content of phosphorus in the soils (average concentration of 82 mg kg−1), none of the profiles revealed Hortic horizon, but only some of its properties (colour, horizon thickness, zoogenic activity). The thickness of urbic-stratifying layer (Au) varies in a wide range from 10 to 135 cm, and the thickness of reclaimed horizons (A) also varies from 10 to 48 cm. The bulk density in Au horizons is 1.4 g cm−3, in the reclaimed horizons (A) – 1.39 g cm−3. The content of soil carbon in soil surface horizons varies from 0.85% to 4.58% in urbic horizons, and to 1.49% in reclaimed horizons. Chemical analysis of urbic (Au) and reclaimed (A) horizons revealed a low content of easily soluble salts (0.16%) and carbonates (1.5% and 1.7%, respectively).

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