
The excitation circuits of a copper vapour laser (CVL) with a partial or total discharge of the storage capacitor were analysed. Based on this analysis, the effect of prepulse electron density on the repetition rate-energy characteristics of a CVL was shown to be minimal when the following conditions are fulfilled: R>2(L/C)1/2 and L/R<τc (for partial-discharge pump schemes; C is the storage capacitor capacity, L is the discharge circuit inductance, R is the prepulse resistance of the active medium, and τc is the switch turn-on time) and for a high frequency of free oscillations in the discharge circuit of a CVL. The conclusion was drawn that traditional pump schemes limit the energy capabilities of a CVL. The repetition rate-energy characteristics of a CVL can be improved by resorting to schemes with a shock or complex excitation circuit or their combination.

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