
A comparative study of the effect of various preparations on the level of infection of Cyprinus carpio yearlings with dactylogyrus was carried out. The studies were carried out in spring under aquatic conditions. The fish were divided into 7 groups and fed 6 times a day. The control group was given pure food, and the experimental group was given the addition of various preparations. The study was carried out in 2 stages. At the first stage, the experimental fish were fed with Roncoleukin, a structural and functional analog of endogenous IL-2, and the enterosorbent agent, Polyfepam; Bacillus subtilis “SUB-PRO” and biologically active additive “Ecoflor”. The infestation of carps was assessed by the extensiveness of invasion and the index of abundance of parasites. The experiments performed showed differences in the level of infection depending on the drug used. According to the effect on the infection of juvenile carp with dactygyrus, the studied preparations can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: increasing and decreasing the intensity of invasion by the end of the 7th day of the experiment. The first group includes “Polyfepam” and “AQUATAN”, and the rest of the drugs to the second. On the 7th day of the experiment, the lowest infestation was recorded in the group of carp, which were added to the Antibak feed, and the highest — with the addition of AQUATAN. On day 14, in all experimental groups, the parasite abundance index exceeded the control values obtained before the start of the experiment. A significant increase in the intensity of invasion was noted in the experimental group, which received a drug based on ellagitannins with food. In other groups, this indicator increased slightly.

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