
Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth has become a major problem for cotton producers throughout much of the southern United States. With cotton producers relying heavily on glyphosate-resistant cotton, an alternative solution to controlling resistant Palmer amaranth is needed. A field experiment was conducted during 2009 and 2010 at Marianna, AR, in which a rye cover crop and no cover crop were tested in combination with deep tillage with the use of a moldboard plow and no tillage to determine the impact on Palmer amaranth emergence in cotton. To establish a baseline population, 500,000 glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth seeds were placed in a 2-m2area in the middle of each plot and incorporated into the soil, and emergence was evaluated five times during the season. In 2009, both tillage and the cover crop reduced Palmer amaranth emergence in cotton, but the combination of the two reduced emergence 85%. In the second year, only the cover crop reduced Palmer amaranth emergence in cotton, a 68% reduction. Cover crops and deep tillage will not eliminate glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth; however, use of these tools will likely reduce the risks of failures associated with residual herbicides along with selection pressure placed on both PRE- and POST-applied herbicides. Additional efforts should focus on the integration of the best cultural practices identified in this research with use of residual herbicides and greater focus on limiting Palmer amaranth seed production and reducing the soil seedbank.

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