
Glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats) is redefining row crop weed management in the southeast United States due to its widespread distribution, high competitive ability, copious seed production, and resilience against standard weed management programs. Herbicides alone are failing to provide adequate control of GR Palmer amaranth; thus, use of conventional tillage is increasing in the Southeast in order to control GR Palmer amaranth. Cultural practices consistent with maintenance of conservation tillage were evaluated to determine if they could suppress weeds in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). An on-farm research and demonstration project was initiated in the fall of 2009 in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee to address well-founded concerns that conservation tillage systems were at risk because of GR Palmer amaranth. The research continued in certain states for two additional years. Cultural practices contrasted in the conservation tillage system were a no-till planted high-residue cover crop, one-time fall inversion tillage followed by the planting of a high-residue cover crop, and winter fallow only without a cover crop. Cover crop biomass yields varied from 570 to 6,790 kg ha−1 (509 to 6,063 lb ac−1) depending on location, type of cover crop, planting date, and environment. Fall inversion tillage increased cover crop biomass at all locations, likely due to preparation of a favorable seed bed for seedling establishment or alleviation of soil compaction or both. One-time fall inversion tillage reduced the number of GR Palmer amaranth escapes compared with the other treatments. Where GR Palmer amaranth densities were relatively low (approximately 1,000 plants ha−1 [405 plants ac−1] or fewer), there were few differences in the number of GR Palmer amaranth escapes among treatments. Where GR Palmer amaranth densities were relatively high (18,000 plants ha−1 [7,284 plants ac−1] or greater), winter fallow systems had higher Palmer amaranth densities escaping weed management programs compared to either cover crop system. The number of Palmer amaranth escapes declined exponentially as a function of cover crop biomass regardless of tillage. For sites with two years of data, no year by treatment interaction was detected, indicating that relative GR Palmer amaranth escape densities were sustained in each treatment for two seasons. Trends in cotton yields were the opposite of those for Palmer amaranth escapes. High-residue cover crops tended to suppress Palmer amaranth and increase cotton lint yields. However, no cultural management system consistently netted greater returns than other systems across locations and years.

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