The review generalizes experimental data on the relationships between the solar activity agents (space weather) and atmosphere constituents. It is shown that high-energy solar protons (SPE) make a powerful impact on photo-chemical processes in the polar areas and, correspondingly, on atmospheric circulation and planetary cloudiness. Variations of the solar UV irradiance modulate the descent rate of the zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere in the course of quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), and thus control the total duration (period) of the QBO cycle and, correspondingly, the seasonal ozone depletion in the Antarctic. The geo-effective solar wind impacts on the atmospheric wind system in the entire Southern Polar region, and influences the dynamics of the Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
The term “space weather” refers to a complex of phenomena and processes in the heliosphere determined by the solar activity
The main agents of the solar activity that influence the Earth’s atmosphere are the solar UV irradiance, solar high-energy particles E < 500 eV (SEP), a permanent stream of the galactic cosmic rays E > 1 GeV (GCR) modified by the solar activity, high energy particles accelerated in the magnetosphere, and the solar wind — low-energy solar plasma with the frozen magnetic field permanently ejected by the Sun
The analysis of relationships between space weather agents and atmosphere constituents brings us to the following conclusions:
The review generalizes experimental data on the relationships between the solar activity agents (space weather) and atmosphere constituents. It is shown that high-energy solar protons (SPE) make a powerful impact on photo-chemical processes in the polar areas and, correspondingly, on atmospheric circulation and planetary cloudiness. The geo-effective solar wind impacts on the atmospheric wind system in the entire Southern Polar region, and influences the dynamics of the Southern Oscillation (ENSO). For Citation: Troshichev O.A., Gabis I.P., Krivolutsky A.A. Influence of cosmic weather on the Earth’s atmosphere. Геоэффективный солнечный ветер воздействует на систему катабатических ветров во всей южной полярной области и влияет на динамику южной осцилляции (ENSO). Ключевые слова: атмосфера Земли, атмосферная циркуляция, высокоэнергичные солнечные протоны, геоэффективный солнечный ветер, квазидвухлетняя осцилляция (QBO), космическая погода, модельные расчеты, озоновая «дыра», планетарная облачность, солнечное УФ-излучение, южная осцилляция (ENSO). Для цитирования: Troshichev O.A., Gabis I.P., Krivolutsky A.A. Influence of cosmic weather on the Earth’s atmosphere.
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