
Proper configuration of the physical parameterization scheme is important for accurate outcomes of mesoscale weather forecasting model. This study evaluates the performance of four distinct cumulus parameterization schemes: the Kain-Fritsch (KF), Grell 3D ensemble (GR3D), Modified Tiedtke (MTIEDKE) and Modified Kain-Fritsch (MKF) schemes, in simulating Tropical Cyclone (TC) Idai (2019) in the Southern Indian Ocean. Utilizing the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model and TC best-track and satellite precipitation datasets, the research assesses the models' efficacy in replicating Idai's observed track and intensity. Results indicate that the KF, MTIEDKE, and MKF schemes reasonably capture Idai's southwestward track, with MKF demonstrating superior accuracy in reproducing observed intensity evolution. Conversely, the GR3D simulation exhibits a northwestward deviation, leading to notable track and intensity errors. Further investigations suggest that the smaller track and intensity differences in the MKF simulation are linked to the more accurate simulation of rainfall in both the surrounding environment and the TC inner-core region. The two factors exert strong influences on the large-scale steering flow and TC secondary circulation, respectively. The findings underscore the importance of selecting appropriate convective parameterization schemes for precise tropical cyclone simulations in the Southern Indian Ocean. This research contributes valuable insights into the intricate interaction between convective processes and atmospheric dynamics, offering implications for enhancing tropical cyclone prediction models in the region.

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