
When it comes to sports (volleyball, handball, basketball, football ...) the main value is reflected in their attractiveness, wide application, and availability. At the same time, these are sports of higher achievements (top sport), sports entertainment is an important mean of active rest (recreation) and, of course, one of the most powerful means of physical education. The popularity of sports games is especially pronounced among school children and youth. In addition to compulsory physical education classes, they are widely represented in free sports activities. As it is known among other anthropological dimensions, cognitive abilities have a significant impact in achieving top results in sports. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between a set of predictor variables of cognitive abilities and a set of criterion variables of situational motor abilities in sports games, especially in volleyball in primary school boys. By analyzing the corresponding canonical functions in the space of cognitive abilities, the function is defined by all variables, as well as by another set of data, the function is defined by all situational motor variables. As all cognitive abilities are in direct proportionality with the results of situational motor skills tests, it can be concluded that subjects with higher spatialisation ability and higher IQ will have good results in specific motor, especially in volleyball. These results are logical considering the structure of performing exercises from sports games especially volleyball, which require good coordination of movements, which is directly related to cognitive abilities.

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