
AbstarctThe research found that the best field germination of seeds and the safety of plants for harvesting was noted in the variant with the introduction of calculated doses of mineral fertilizers (N139R72K83) and spraying of crops with a biological product Azotovit JO, 0.3 l/ha and amounted to 87.6 and 86.9 %, against 83.3 and 82.5 % on the variant without the treatment of seeds and crops with biologics. The maximum contamination of barley crops was noted on the background without mineral fertilizers and seed treatment and biopreparations in the tillering stage amounted to 30-37 pcs./m2, and high rates of weeds air-dry mass were in the variant with mineral fertilizers (N139P72K83) and amounted to 3.56 g/m2 on the version without treatment of seeds and crops with biological products. The introduction of calculated doses of mineral fertilizers N113P60K68 and N139P72K83 and seed treatment with Trichodermine, F and Azotovit JO led to a greater decrease in the infestation of plants with root rot. The best development of the leaf surface area occurred in the earing phase of plants with the introduction of calculated doses of mineral fertilizers N139P72K83 and the presowing treatment of seeds with Azotovit JO and amounted to 37.4 thousand m2/ha. High yield of barley grain (3.88 t/ha) was formed with the application of mineral fertilizers N139P72K83 and the pre-sowing treatment of seeds with the Azotovit Zh0 biological preparation, the increase from the application of fertilizers was 2.10 t/ha, from the presowing treatment of seeds - 0.32 t/ha. The best indicators of grain quality were noted with the introduction of mineral fertilizers N139P72K83 and pre-sowing treatment of seeds with the biological preparation Trichodermin, J.

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