
(La,Sr)TiO3-δ has attracted specific attention over the past years due to its superior dimensional stability, high conductivity, and significant tolerance against sulfur poisoning and carbon depositions. To increase the catalytic activity and chemical stability, many different doping levels and stoichiometries for LaxSr1-xTiO3-δ (LST) have been investigated [1, 2]. Doping of B-site with Mn has been shown to promote electroreduction under SOFC conditions [3]. Furthermore, Mn is known to accept lower coordination numbers in perovskites, especially for Mn3+ (3d4), and so may enhance oxide-ion migration [4]. In addition, MnO is clearly stable under fuel conditions unlike Co or Ni oxides [4].In this research influence of A-site deficiency and B-site chemical composition on electrical performance of La0.25Sr0.25Ca0.45Ti0.95Ni0.05-xMnxO3-δ (x=0-0.05) (LSCTNM-x) hydrogen electrode has been studied. The crystal structure and microstructure have been studied using X-ray diffraction and SEM to confirm the phase purity and visualize the microstructure of studied electrode layers. To understand the influence of MIEC material composition on electrical conductivities of LSCTNM, the DC four-probe conductivity measurements of porous electrode layers has been performed. Conductivities have been measured at two different atmospheres: 1% H2 + 1.7% H2O + 97.3% Ar and 98.3% H2 + 1.7% H2O. It has been shown that all materials with LSCTNM compositions behave like semiconductor and the conductivity is significantly dependent on composition. The maximal total electrical conductivity of porous electrode layers was characteristic for the LSCTNM materials with 10% A-site deficiency, in 98.3% H2 + 1.7% H2O atmosphere. Keywords: solid oxide fuel cell; conductivity; perovskite; fuel electrode; MIEC.[1] X. Li, H. Zhao, X. Zhou, N. Xu, Z. Xie, N. Chen, Electrical conductivity and structural stability of La-doped SrTiO3 with A-site deficiency as anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells, international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 7913-7918.[2] A. Gondolini, E. Mercadelli, G. Constantin, L. Dessemond, V. Yurkiv, R. Costa, A. Sanson, On the manufacturing of low temperature activated Sr0.9La0.1TiO3-δ-Ce1-xGdxO2-δ anodes for solid oxide fuel cell, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38 (2018) 153–161.[3] P. Holtappels, J. Bradley, J.T.S. Irvine, A. Kaiser, M. Mogensen, Electrochemical characterization of ceramic SOFC anodes, J. Electrochem. Soc. A 148 (2001) 923–929.[4] S. Tao, J.T.S. Irvine, A redox-stable efficient anode for solid-oxide fuel cells, nature materials, 2 (2003) 320-323.

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