
The predatory mite Cydnoseius negevi (Swirski & Amitai), (Family Phytosidae), is a predaceous mite of different mite and insect pests, such as two-spotted spider mite and castor whitefly. This work aimed to study the role of C. negeviin controlling the four arthropod pests, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval), Trialeurodes ricini (Misra), and Anagasta (Ephestia) kuehniella (Keller) as wellas spider mite Tetranychus urtica (Koch) compared with date palm pollenas food options under controlled conditions. The predatory mite C. negevican feed and complete its life span successfully on these foods. Trialeurodes ricini and A. kuehniella eggs prolonged the life cycle of C. negevi. Likewise, the shortest period observed when male and female fed on eggs of T. urtica. Egg production of the tested mite was the highest when it fed on pollen, while oviposition was lower when the predatory mite fed on T. ricini. Food sources also affected all life tables where spider mite eggs and pollen grains were the most favorable foods increased Ro, rm, erm and GRR values. Insect eggs prolonged T and Dt times ofthe tested mite C. negevi. Therefore, C. negevi could be reared successfully on date palm pollen and eggs of S. littoralis, T. ricini, A. kuehniella and T. urticae.

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