
Objectives. The purpose of this research was to radiological identify the morphological changes of the dental arcades resulting from the premature loss of the permanent first molars. Material and method. The study was conducted between 2014-2016 on a group of 50 patients aged 12-15 years who presented themselves with the imminence of premature loss of the first permanent molars. 1: 1 panoramic radiographs were performed before the extractions and at 6 and 12 months after the extractions respectively. Results and discussions. The changes in position of the antagonist teeth and those of the second permanent molars, in the two dental arches, both in the sagittal and in the vertical plane were revealed. Conclusions. The premature loss of the first permanent molars, especially after the eruption of the second permanent molars, causes unwanted dental movements and severe dental-maxillary abnormalities over time.


  • radiological identify the morphological changes of the dental arcades resulting from the premature loss of the permanent first molars

  • on a group of 50 patients aged 12-15 years who presented themselves with the imminence of premature loss

  • 1 panoramic radiographs were performed before the extractions

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Dr Ştefan Milicescu, Dr Paula Jiman, Asist. Prezenta cercetare işi propune identificarea radiologică a modificărilor morfologice ale arcadelor dentare apărute în urma pierderii premature a molarilor primi permanenţi. Studiul a fost realizat între anii 2014 şi 2016, asupra unui lot de 50 de pacienţi cu vârste cuprinse în intervalul 12-15 ani, care s-au prezentat cu iminenţa pierderii premature a primilor molari permanenţi. S-au evidenţiat modificările de poziţie ale dinţilor antagonişti cât şi cele ale molarilor doi permanenţi, în ambele arcade, atât în plan sagital, cât şi în plan vertical. Pierderea prematură a primilor molari permanenţi, în mod deosebit după erupţia molarilor doi permanenţi, determină deplasări dentare nedorite şi severe anomalii dento-maxilare în timp. Cuvinte cheie: molar prim permanent, extracţie prematură, modificări de poziţie unidentare, anomalii dento-maxilare

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