Purpose: Analysis of infectious complications incidence in different types of percutaneous externalinternal biliary drainage in patients with obstructive jaundice of tumor genesis.Material and methods: The results of using antegrade external-internal drainage of the biliary tree in transpapillary and suprapapillary variants in 110 patients were analyzed. External-internal biliary drainage was performed in stages, after percutaneous transhepatic cholangiostomy or involuntarily primary with proximal obstruction of the biliary tree with bile duct segregation if it is impossible to form a fixing element of drainage proximal to the obstruction zone.Results: In the first group, transpapillary external-internal drainage was performed in 30 patients with peripapillary tumor obstruction. Of the 26 patients with proximal obstruction, suprapapillary external-internal drainage was performed in 8 patients, transpapillary — in 18 patients. Postmanipulation cholangitis in the first group occurred in 16 cases (28.6 %), liver abscesses developed 4 cases (7.1 %). In the second group, among 30 patients with transpapillary drainage on the background of peripapillary tumor obstruction, signs of acute cholangitis developed in 4 cases. Cholangitis was stopped by timely transfer of external-internal drainage to external. Among 24 patients with proximal obstruction of the biliary tree, suprapapillary external-internal drainage without complications was performed in 18 cases, transpapillary in 6 patients with the proximal block without disconnecting of the biliary tree. Acute cholangitis developed in 2 cases. Patients of the second group had no liver cholangigenic abscesses. There were no cases of hospital mortality in both groups.Conclusion: Factors in the development of postmanipulation cholangitis and liver abscesses during external-internal drainage of the biliary tree against the background of its tumor obstruction are the transpapillary position of endobiliary drainage with duodeno-biliary reflux in persistent biliary hypertension. In the case of suprapapillary location of the working end of external-internal drainage during antegrade drainage of the proximal tumor obstruction of the biliary tree with dissociation, the risk of postmanipulation cholangitis in non-drained liver segments is minimal. In the event of post-manipulation cholangitis in the case of transpapillary drainage of the biliary tree, a temporary transformation of external-internal drainage into external cholangiostomy is necessary.
biliary drainage was performed in stages
transpapillary external-internal drainage was performed in 30 patients with peripapillary tumor obstruction
suprapapillary external-internal drainage was performed in 8 patients
Цель: Анализ частоты возникновения инфекционных осложнений при различных вариантах чрескожного наружно-внутреннего билиарного дренирования у пациентов с механической желтухой опухолевого генеза. Среди 24 пациентов с проксимальной обструкцией желчного дерева супрапапиллярное наружно-внутреннее дренирование без осложнений было выполнено в 18 случаях, транспапиллярное — у 6 больных с проксимальным блоком без разобщения желчного дерева. Заключение: Причиной развития постманипуляционного холангита и абсцессов печени при наружно-внутреннем дренировании желчного дерева на фоне его опухолевой обструкции является транспапиллярное положение эндобилиарного дренажа с дуодено-билиарным рефлюксом на фоне персистирующей билиарной гипертензии. Для супрапапиллярного расположения дренажа при чрескожном дренировании проксимальной опухолевой обструкции желчного дерева с разобщением протоков риск постманипуляционного холангита в недренируемых сегментах печени минимален. Задачей настоящего исследования явилось изучение предпосылок и частоты возникновения инфекционных осложнений при наружно-внутреннем дренировании желчного дерева у пациентов с механической желтухой опухолевого генеза, а также разработка эффективной тактики миниинвазивной профилактики и лечения таких осложнений
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