
Insect-borne plant viruses usually alter the interactions between host plant and insect vector in ways conducive to their transmission ('host manipulation hypothesis'). Most studies have tested this hypothesis with persistently and non-persistently transmitted viruses, while few have examined semi-persistently transmitted viruses. The crinivirus Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) is semi-persistently transmitted virus by whiteflies, and has been recently reported infecting potato plants in Brazil, where Bemisia tabaci Middle East Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) is a competent vector. We investigated how ToCV infection modifies the interaction between potato plants and B. tabaci in ways that increase the likelihood of ToCV transmission, in two clones, one susceptible ('Agata') and the other moderately resistant (Bach-4) to B. tabaci. Whiteflies alighted and laid more eggs on ToCV-infected plants than mock-inoculated plants of Bach-4. When non-viruliferous whiteflies were released on ToCV-infected plants near mock-inoculated plants, adults moved more intensely towards non-infected plants than in the reverse condition for both clones. Feeding on ToCV-infected plants reduced egg-incubation period in both clones, but the egg-adult cycle was similar for whiteflies fed on ToCV-infected and mock-inoculated plants. Our results demonstrated that ToCV infection in potato plants alters B. tabaci behaviour and development in distinct ways depending on the host clone, with potential implications for ToCV spread.

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