
SCH is defined as- Biochemical evidence of hypothyroidism (normal T3 &T4 but raised TSH). SCH is like-lihood of progression to clinical hypothyroidism. It may persist for years. It is more common in women than men, and its prevalence increases with age. Of patients with SCH, 80% have a serum TSH of less than 10mlU/L. The most important implication of SCH is high likelihood of progression to clinical hypothyroid-ism. The possibility that it is a cardiovascular risk factor has been a subject of debate. Currently the practi-cal approach in modern therapy is routine levothyroxine therapy for persons with a persistent serum TSH of more than 10.0mlU/L and individualized therapy for those with a TSH of less than 10.0mlU/L. There is no direct reference of thyroid in Ayurvedic classics, but the Galaganda and Gandamala have been fre-quently used in the text. According to Charakacharya presentation of multiple Granthi around the neck is called Gandamala and single swelling on the Parshva (laterals) of neck is Galagand. Galagand is ex-plained classically in all the Ayurvedic texts, including Sushruta and Ashtangahruday, Since Galagand is the most untouched topic in Ayurveda and since thyroid is becoming one of the common problems in day- to-day practice. However, in recent times it has been observed that thyroid disorders can be very well man-aged with Ayurvedic drugs, although modern drugs are quite effective in getting TSH level down but with certain adverse effects. So, a case of Subclinical hyopothyroidism was selected and observed before, and after the treatment. Kanchanar is considered as a drug of choice for Granthi (Cysts)and Galagand (Goi-tre), so here in this case Kanchanar Guggulu along with Varunadi Kashayam and Vaishwanar Choornam was administered for the purpose of Agnideepana (To improve digestive fire), & Vatanulomana ( Regular-ise Vata). The patient was followed upto 6 months to observe increase in value of TSH.

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