Not only is alumina the most widely used catalyst support material in the world, it is also an important catalyst in its own right. One major chemical process that uses alumina in this respect is the industrial production of methyl chloride. This is a large scale process (650,000 metric tons in 2010 in the United States), and a key feedstock in the production of silicones that are widely used as household sealants. In this Account, we show how, in partnership with conventional spectroscopic and reaction testing methods, inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopy can provide additional insight into the active sites present on the catalyst, as well as the intermediates present on the catalyst surface. INS spectroscopy is a form of vibrational spectroscopy, where the spectral features are dominated by modes involving hydrogen. Because of this, most materials including alumina are largely transparent to neutrons. Advantageously, in this technique, the entire "mid-infrared", 0-4000 cm(-1), range is accessible; there is no cut-off at ~1400 cm(-1) as in infrared spectroscopy. It is also straightforward to distinguish fundamental modes from overtones and combinations. A key parameter in the catalyst's activity is the surface acidity. In infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine, the shifts in the ring stretching modes are dependent on the strength of the acid site. However, there is a very limited spectral range available. We discuss how we can observe the low energy ring deformation modes of adsorbed pyridine by INS spectroscopy. These modes can undergo shifts that are as large as those seen with infrared inspectroscopy, potentially enabling finer discrimination between acid sites. Surface hydroxyls play a key role in alumina catalysis, but in infrared spectroscopy, the presence of electrical anharmonicity complicates the interpretation of the O-H stretch region. In addition, the deformations lie below the infrared cut-off. Both of these limitations are irrelevant to INS spectroscopy, and all the modes are readily observable. When we add HCl to the catalyst surface, the acid causes changes in the spectra. We can then deduce both that the surface chlorination leads to enhanced Lewis acidity and that the hydroxyl group must be threefold coordinated. When we react η-alumina with methanol, the catalyst forms a chemisorbed methoxy species. Infrared spectroscopy clearly shows its presence but also indicates the possible coexistence of a second species. Because of INS spectroscopy's ability to discriminate between fundamental modes and combinations, we were able to unambiguously show that there is a single intermediate present on the surface of the active catalyst. This work represents a clear example where an understanding of the chemistry at the molecular level can help rationalize improvements in a large scale industrial process with both financial and environmental benefits.
Alumina is ubiquitous in heterogeneous catalysis, where it is used as an actual catalytic material or as a catalyst support material.[1]
In this Account, we show how, in partnership with conventional spectroscopic and reaction testing methods, inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopy[4] can provide
The chemistry of methanol on η-alumina is summarized in the advantages of INS spectroscopy have proven to be crucial in developing our understanding of this industrially important process
Alumina is ubiquitous in heterogeneous catalysis, where it is used as an actual catalytic material or as a catalyst support material.[1]. There must be loss of intensity in the δOH region, and this is seen as the negative-going feature at ∼900 cm−1 Such a transformation leads to the regeneration of an active site, and due to the increased electronegativity of the chlorine relative to a hydroxyl group, the newly generated Lewis acid site will be more acidic than the original. The operating principle of TOSCA means that modes at >1600 cm−1 are usually very difficult to observe, in contrast with MARI where these are straightforward.[10] Figure 11 presents the neutron scattering intensity as a function of energy transfer and momentum transfer for the chemisorbed overlayer. Applying the same method to the Al(OCH3)[3] data confirms this conclusion
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