
This paper seeks to compare the profile of the processing transformation industry in Ceara and Piaui in 1998 and 2008, besides analyzing the socioeconomic characteristics of their workers. For this, we consider the number of industrial establishments, the distribution of employment by sector, the number of workers per sector of manufacturing industry, the number of employees by establishment size, gender, age, education level, length of service, full pay, average wage by education level and average earnings by sector of manufacturing industry. Data are from the List Annual Social Information (RAIS) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE). By comparing with Ceara to Piaui, the objective is to analyze the recent dynamics of the labor market in these states, which traditionally listed among the poorest in the country. As a way to improve their socioeconomic and demographic indicators from the early 1990s, Ceara and Piaui follow adopting policies of fiscal incentives to attract industries to their Units of the Federation. The main results on the one hand, are positive and indicate that between 1998 and 2008, Ceara and Piaui were benefited with respectively 3678 and 876 industrial units, which enabled the opening of new formal jobs. Moreover, the data show that these jobs are precarious at both FUs, characterized by high turnover, low wages, and high selectivity by gender, age and education.

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