
The use of anthracite in the production of high-carbon ferrochrome is assessed. The theoretical and technological aspects of electrothermal production of high-carbon ferrochrome are analyzed. The physicochemical characteristics of anthracite and coke nuts are compared. It is established that the ash content of anthracite is low. More importantly, its content of phosphorus and sulfur is very low. An advantage of anthracite is its high electrical resistance. The use of anthracite in the production of high-carbon ferrochrome in 21-MV A furnaces reduces the consumption of reducing agent (by 1.9%) and electric power (by 6.8%). The extraction of chromium is practically unchanged. The production costs (per 1 t of high-carbon ferrochrome) are reduced. The use of anthracite in more powerful furnaces (63 MV A) permits significant increase in the working voltage and decrease in power consumption by 2.0–2.5%. The phosphorus content in the ferrochrome is reduced with increase in anthracite content in the batch.

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