Two cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp).vatietiés, IT84E-124 and Vita 7 of the Intemational Inslitute ofTropícal Agriculture, Ibadan, were exposed lo Varying doses of chernieal and physical mutagens. Optimum doses of 10mM EMS for 6hr andO.l rnM aod 1.OrnM NaN3 for 2hr, determíned frorn seedling growth tests and lOOR and 2ooR,garnma radiaticins were applied 10 2000 seed samples of each ,genotype. Sereening of the M2 generation revealed, lhat the rnutagenic treatrnents indueed rnorphological, physiologie;¡land biochemicalchanges in the genotypes: A spectrum of rnutations which included variants.wilh respect t()anthocyanin pigmentatiCln, ¡ellf morphology, maturity date, male sterility and insec.tpestresístancequalitieswere observect; Unes withsignificant increases in yield parameters such as .rtumber or seeds pefpod, pedimcles per plant, 100 seed weight and seed storage proteinswere selected:
Agriculture, Ibadan, were exposed lo Varying doses of chernieal and physical mutagens
The present investigation was 'und rtakento induce viable mutations in . quantitative and qualitative traits whichcould be utilized. directlyor introduced, into our cow pea improvement programo We report here someof our results ontheuse ófradiationand chemically induced mutations for crop improvcment in cowpea
The response of the seeds to ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) and NaN3 treatments at different doses and durations is shown in Fig la and b respectively
Agriculture, Ibadan, were exposed lo Varying doses of chernieal and physical mutagens. Optimum doses of 10mM EMS for 6hr andO.l rnM aod 1.OrnM NaN3 for 2hr, determíned frorn seedling growth tests and lOOR and 2ooR,garnma radiaticins were applied 10 2000 seed samples of each ,genotype. Induced mutatíon breeding which has bcen recognizedas a valu able supplement to conventional breeding in crop ill\provcinent hasbeen least appliedin grain legumes. Only eight out of over lOOO improved mutant varietiesofdiffer ent crops reIeased up to 1989 in ayer 48 coun tries were cowpeas Other atrt ibutes of the improved lines include increased pod leng h, semi-erect plant habit and higher,grain yield. In Nigeria, crop breeding thtough induced mutation is lim ited (Odeigah 1'991). Directlyor introduced, into our cow pea improvement programo We report here someof our results ontheuse ófradiationand chemically induced mutations for crop improvcment in cowpea The present investigation was 'und rtakento induce viable mutations in . quantitative and qualitative traits whichcould be utilized. directlyor introduced, into our cow pea improvement programo We report here someof our results ontheuse ófradiationand chemically induced mutations for crop improvcment in cowpea
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