
The article explores techniques for mitigating indoor radon in buildings, including soil depressurization, anti-radon coatings and membranes, interior mechanical building pressurization, and natural and forced ventilation procedures. The effectiveness of each technique depends on various factors, such as indoor radon level or building construction type. The region of Alto Minho, Northern Portugal, mostly comprises single-family housing with different structures and materials, and performing an assessment stage is crucial for selecting the appropriate mitigation method. The ageing and declining population in the region suggests that the rehabilitation of existing buildings is more likely than the implementation of new construction. The article also emphasizes the potential impacts of soil depressurization and pressurization on soil geotechnical properties. Anti-radon barriers and mortars have been effectively used in high indoor radon concentration situations and can be combined with natural or forced ventilation procedures and real-time multi-parameter monitoring for improving indoor air quality and energy efficiency of buildings.

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