
In his August 17, 1962, Independence Day address President Sukarno referred to that year, during which dispute with Netherlands concerning Western New Guinea was resolved peacefully in Indonesia's favor, as the of triumph. Although it may still be too early to pass judgment, I am inclined to believe that in retrospect 1963 will appear as Indonesia's year of wasted opportunities. To a friendly but dispassionate observer from abroad, Indonesia's policies during past are a source of bewilderment and disbelief. If one assumes that Indonesia's policy makers are applying rational means to pursuit of well-defined goals, their current policy gives cause for grave concern. As fifth largest nation in world, strategically placed as a potential barrier between Pacific and Indian Oceans, sufficiently rich in resources not to be tempted to covet her neighbors' lands, raw materials. or manpower, Indonesia would seem destined to play a major role in Southeast Asia, Southwest Pacific and world at large. The Indonesians have built up a reputation as charming people, and their country's natural beauty has caught imagination of imost visitors. In recent years. events have given Indonesia ample proof that she can be beneficiary of a large store of good will aniong Western, Communist and non-aligned countries alike. This is why it is not easy to explain what has determined Indonesia to pursue her current crush MIalaysia policy and to appear to world as an aggressor. Why is Indonesia tempting fate ? From 1950 to 1962 President Sukarno had tenaciously kept alive his nation's interest iI issue of Western New Guinea. Although some Indonesian leaders argued at first, in private if riot in public, that other matters should have higher priority on national agenda. President Sukarno gradually turned dispute overi Western New Guinea into a national obsession-and won. On May 1, 1963, Indonesia assumed full administrative responsibility for Western New Guinea, with time given to her till 1969 to convince local population that it is in their interest to remain permanently part of

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