
Researchers have identified change attitudes as critical to the success of organizational change efforts. This chapter focuses on three internal resources – generalized self-efficacy (GSE), dispositional resistance to change and trait positive affectivity – as key internal resources during change. It identifies two external resources, such as change information and change participation as antecedents of the dimensions of change readiness. The external coping resources provide employees with a vicarious sense of control in stressful situations and may indirectly reduce stressors and lessen strain by increasing an individual’s perceived personal coping resources. The chapter argues that individuals who have higher GSE will be more likely to report that there is a need for change and that change is appropriate than those low on GSE. It also argues that GSE will be positively associated with change self-efficacy. Empirical evidence has supported the importance of employee participation and opportunities for voice and self-discovery as a predictor of employee acceptance of change.

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