
The livestock provides food items such as milk, meat and eggs for human consumption that are rich source of protein, mineral and vitamins and good for health. Livestock production is a vital activity in rural areas which provides employment, livelihood and income for farmers, rural poorer and weaker sections of society. India has religious belief that most of the Hindu community does not eat beef. They do not slaughter cattles (cow and its progeny). This is the main reason that Buffalo is surplus for export unlike goat/sheep/ poultry meat. This leads to India as a number 2 exporter of beef in the world. Livestock business provides employment to about 8.8 % of the population in India. Livestock sector is contributing 4.11% GDP and 25.6% of total Agriculture GDP of country. Governments and industries must prepare for meeting demand of meat in the country with long run policies and investments to satisfy ever rising consumer demand, improve nutritional status, generation of income opportunities and alleviate environment stress.

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