
R ECENT DEVELOPMENTS in the world Communist movement have had important effects on the policies of the Communist Party of India (CPI), exacerbating differences which have persisted since the Party's Third Congress held in Madura (December 27, 1953, to January 4, 1954). At that Congress it became apparent that the Party was divided on four fundamental issues.' In the period since the Third Congress, party controversy has been focused primarily on one of these-the attitude the Party should take toward Prime Minister Nehru's Government in view of its growing friendliness with the USSR. In his review of the work of the Third Congress, General Secretary Ajoy Ghosh said early in 1954 that there were two possible courses of action to be taken toward the Nehru Government: cooperate with the Government but criticize specific acts; or, oppose the Government but support specific acts.2 At the Madura Congress the Party chose the latter alternative, but since then it has been moving steadily toward the former. The major cause for the shift has been the deteriorating relations between India and the United States, touched off by the American announcement early in 1954 that it would extend military assistance to Pakistan. Interpreted by Indian public opinion as an unfriendly act, this American move forced Prime Minister Nehru during the spring of 1954 to make a number of statements so critical of American foreign policy as to bring Indo-American relations to their lowest point since India's independence. Eisenhower's attempt to assure the Indian Government that the United States meant no harm by arming Pakistan and that the United States was also prepared to supply arms to India evoked no sympathetic response from New Delhi. President Eisenhower has done less than justice to himself or to us, said the Indian Prime Minister. If we are objecting to military aid being given to Pakistan we will be unprincipled opportunists to accept such aid

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