
AbstractWe study the following independent set reconfiguration problem, called TAR‐Reachability: given two independent sets I and J of a graph G, both of size at least k, is it possible to transform I into J by adding and removing vertices one‐by‐one, while maintaining an independent set of size at least k throughout? This problem is known to be PSPACE‐hard in general. For the case that G is a cograph on n vertices, we show that it can be solved in time , and that the length of a shortest reconfiguration sequence from I to J is bounded by (if it exists). More generally, we show that if is a graph class for which (i) TAR‐Reachability can be solved efficiently, (ii) maximum independent sets can be computed efficiently, and which satisfies a certain additional property, then the problem can be solved efficiently for any graph that can be obtained from a collection of graphs in using disjoint union and complete join operations. Chordal graphs and claw‐free graphs are given as examples of such a class .

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