to elucidate independent clinical and laboratory predictors of adverse cardiovascular events (ACVE) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting in early inhospital period. We included in this prospective single center study 130 patients with ACS who underwent PCI with stenting. All patients prior to and after PCI received dual antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel. In 12-48 hours after PCI we measured residual platelet reactivity (RPR) using light aggregometry. In 57 patients simultaneously we performed genotyping ofCYP2C19*2 polymorphisms. The following ACVE were used as end-points and were registered during inhospital observation (mean duration 9.7±3.2 days): sudden death, stent thrombosis, arterial thrombosis of other localization, recurrent angina, cardiac rhythm disturbances requiring special therapy. Repetitive ACVE were observed in 32 patients. According to unifactorial regression analysis risk factors of their development were, ADP F-induced RPR (р<0.001), levels of creatinine (р<0.001), hemoglobin (р<0.001), and glucose (р=0.026), age (р=0.01), iron-deficiency anemia (р=0.01), left ventricular ejection fraction (р=0.004), number of stents (р=0.015). According to results of multifactorial regression analysis independent predictors of ACVE were: ADP-induced RPR >76 % (р=0.003), levels of creatinine >189 µmol / L (р=0.003), and hemoglobin <114 g / L (р=0.004). Significant effect of homozygous carriage ofCYP2C19*2 (G681A) (А / А) on development of stent thrombosis was also detected (р=0.028). ADP-induced RPR, levels of creatinine and hemoglobin were found to be independent predictors of inhospital ACVE after myocardial revascularization with stenting in patients with ACS.
We included in this prospective single center study
we performed genotyping of CYP2C19
Заключение Таким образом, в результате проведенного исследования установлено, что значение индуцированной АДФ остаточной реактивности тромбоцитов, уровень креатинина и гемоглобина являются независимым предикторами неблагоприятного госпитального прогноза у пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом после чрескожного коронарного вмешательства со стентированием
Через 12–48 ч после ЧКВ была определена остаточная реактивность тромбоцитов (ОРТ), у 57 пациентов также проведено генотипирование полиморфизма гена CYP2C19 по аллелю*2. С помощью однофакторного регрессионного анализа, в который были включены указанные характеристики, выявлены следующие факторы риска развития повторных ССО на фоне ДАТ на госпитальном этапе: АДФиндуцированная ОРТ (ОШ 1,122 при 95 % ДИ от 1,073 до 1,174; р
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