
In sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) the inheritance of about 150 genes of morphological traits and only a few linkages between them has been established. The first studied coupling was established between genes that determine the traits of anthocyanin colour of the plant and nuclear male sterility in 1966. Seven groups of gene linkages established by classical methods of crossbreeding and analysis of offspring are already known. The purpose of the study is to establish the coupling or independent inheritance of genes that cause the manifestation of morphological traits in sunflower lines. The study used 22 collection lines. Lines with an alternative manifestation of at least two traits crossed each other and studied the manifestation of traits in the offspring of the first and second generations. The resulting cleavages were analyzed and confirmed by a 9: 3: 3: 1 cleavage model for the two genes. 12 combinations of crosses were analyzed. Independent inheritance of 16 pairs of genes that determine morphological traits has been established. Independent inheritance of the wpa gene, which controls the trait of white pollen and vs (controls fanshaped veining) and Er (erectoid petiole), gene b2, (controls basal branching) and gene lb (light brown leaf color), gene o (orange edge colour) flowers) and gene Br1 (upper branch). Independent inheritance of gene br, which causes upper branching and genes er1 (erectile petiole), y (yellow growth point), cch (light green leaf), o (orange colour of marginal flowers), l (lemon colour of marginal flowers), tu2 (long tubular shape of the marginal flowers), ag (yellow anthers), lb (light brown colour of the leaves), er2 (erectile petiole).

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